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Web Snob – Jun. 15, 2007


Check out’s picks for the hottest

summer jewelry for every budget.

Bag Snob asks: Should Cartier stick to jewels and watches?

June is the month for weddings, so The Jewelry Weblog thought it was the perfect opportunity to look at the latest in bridal pendant designs.

eBelle5 loves Marc Jacobs Turnlock Posh Strike

purse. Same bag but different price.


Instead of a tie, gift dad with a visit to a luxury spa. Fashiontribes gets the scoop on the top five man-friendly spas from Gary Walther, EIC of Luxury SpaFinder magazine.

SheFinds: The Best Waterproof Makeup

Beauty Snob investigates products hyped by Celebrity Doctors!


Papierblog looks at American Apparel’s infatuation with the underage set.

Scrap your fat platforms–that girl named Kristopher’s digging the boss minimalism of Gianvito Rossi shoes

Want to know how to look like a million bucks without spending it? Second City Style explains the high-low concept of wardrobing, with examples!

Stylehive has put together a list of wedding dresses that won’t break the bank at under $500.

Coquette takes you along on a special tour of the new Nan Kempner American Chic exhibit at the de Young Museum in San Francisco.

My Fashion Life asks could you wear an eyelash wig?


Girlawhirl –Chic candles from Jonathan Adler keep the vacation vibe going on all summer long.


55 Secret Street has a Q&A with Novelist Meg Cabot.

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