No, we are not starting to review bags from Ann Taylor. This is in fact a bag from a designer that we used to dearly love so our disappointment really hurts. Marni always has cute young bags so why is Paulo Melim Andersson (Chloe’s current creative director) designing bags for the Golden Girls? This rehashed, old lady wool and leather embroidered bag is just not something women who care about looking good would want. This is up there with home knit cardigans with snow men embroidered on them. And of course, the sweater and this bag should be worn together. So maybe you don’t get laughed at when you wear this bag with a sweater and jeans but the pedastrian look should not cost you more than $129 (and I’m told Ann Taylor is quick to discount so you should only end up paying $29.99). But this is at
Net-a-Porter for $1670. As a helpful point of reference, for a few hundred more you can get a classic Chanel if you like the flap bag with chain style.
Ech, hideous. Chloe has been such a disaster for so long. Living in NYC, I am sick of being bombarded with those heavy Paddington bags and their knock-offs. Is this supposed to be any better?!
It looks like a chinchilla!
Well,this bag didn´t come as a surprise.I have never liked Cloe bags.There always seems to be too much of something and too little of anything in them.
it’s look like a pillow from my grandma..
I have to disagree, I live in the UK and I really like this bag. Maybe it’s a culture thing, but these chanel-esque bags are VERY popular here right now!
Let me guess-the body of the bag is made of “plastic canvas”! Looks like a county fair craft project.