This bag is so clever for those days when you are out all day and have a lot of stuff with you but don’t want to look like you’re running around town with your luggage. You can leave the main canvas tote in the car and use the detachable little sequin bag for meeting a friend for a chic lunch or shopping at your favorite boutique, so you don’t knock over displays and run people over with your oversized tote. How often do you come across a bag where the function is fabulous! An absolute bargain for $322 at Net-A-Porter.
I know I’m like a year behind, but i’ve been forever looking for a large traveling bag with zipper, and this one you posted is the perfect one and it comes with a bonus little cluth!!! The link to net-a-porter isnt correct..can you tell me the name of this bag? and where i can get this? If it is no longer available…can you help to locate another one?
tks a mil!!